• Collaborations

    Thique Hair Products

    Life before kids…not something I think about a lot but two pregnancies has definitely taken a toll on my hair!! My thick, lustrous hair is now ending up more in the shower drain than on my head.  I have tried different shampoos and conditioners with empty results.  Extensions and weaves require maintenance.  I thought I was running out of options but then I found Thique Hair Care products…I was skeptical but even after the first week I’ve noticed less hair circling the drain and noticeably thicker hair with every brush stroke.   Born in Nature, Raised in a Lab…what a great way to envision creating a hair product line!!! That is…

  • Travel

    What to pack for NYFW!

    What I am bringing to NYFW!  I am gearing up for my first ever NYFW this weekend and I am trying to fit my closet into my suitc ase… It is already tough to pick the right outfit for the right occasion at home…now multiply that by like a 1000 for NYFW!!! I have narrowed this down to a few (or maybe not so few) essentials that I can actually fit on a plane.   I’ve broken it down into a few categories: ++ Hair Care & Make-up Shoes and Accessories Clothing Hair Care & Make-up must haves: T3 curling iron  Living Proof dry shampoo – perfect for mornings on the…