Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2019!

    Hello Hello! It’s that time of year again! The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! If you are not familiar with this sale it’s time for me to shed some light….. WHAT IS THE ANNIVERSARY SALE??? Once a year Nordstrom has a HUGE sale with new items for the upcoming Fall season. This is unlike any other sale because all the items are NEW! Ooooh Heyyyy!! Winner!! This is the perfect time to stock up on fall essentials!!…. HOW TO PREPARE?? I recommend getting a Nordstrom card if you want access to the best selection. Early access to the sale for card members start on July 12 and then the sale will be open to the…

  • SALES!!

    Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2019!

    Hello Hello! It’s that time of year again! The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! If you are not familiar with this sale it’s time for me to shed some light….. WHAT IS THE ANNIVERSARY SALE??? Once a year Nordstrom has a HUGE sale with new items for the upcoming Fall season. This is unlike any other sale because all the items are NEW! Ooooh Heyyyy!! Winner!! This is the perfect time to stock up on fall essentials!!…. HOW TO PREPARE?? I recommend getting a Nordstrom card if you want access to the best selection. Early access to the sale for card members start on July 12 and then the sale will be open to the…

  • Collaborations

    Bed Bath & Beyond Face Lift!

    What a difference!!! Bed Bath & Beyond is not the same place you went shopping in the past for that college dorm comforter or picked up a spatula for your apartment. I dropped by my local Alpharetta store and I barely recognized where I was. Front and center was a seasonal furniture and accessory display with the coolest stuff…they had a freakin’ Tiki bar!!! Don’t get me wrong, they still have EVERYTHING…it’s called Bed Bath & Beyond for a reason. The difference is that you don’t feel overwhelmed. Every aisle was easy to maneuver and all the products were easy to access. And the big plus is that staff is…